Saturday, May 31, 2008
Death Tolls
I am thinking on how will these affected families changed their lives with the current situation they have. Everything might be lost in their position. How will they strive to meet up their new life? I know it is not my business to mind their own, but I just give sympathy to people. What if it could happen to us? How are we going to survive?
Friday, May 30, 2008
Friday Off
Just now I am a little bit dizzy from the strawberry raspberry margarita I drunk from Chili's which is just 1 block away from our place. My husband and I dined there. I was craving for barbecue. I got a combo of Half baby back ribs and grilled lemon shrimp it was good. There was some left over. I asked for "to go" box again. I always ask that every restaurant we dine at.
I have to go now. I am quite tired and my eyes are a little heavy. The tequila is working on me. I will say good night and will see you again next time.
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Thursday, May 29, 2008
Drive to LA
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Breezy Day
Anyway, back to the weather today. When I left the apartment, I felt the breeze walking the down the stairs towards where I parked my car. I wanted to go back to get a jacket but I just kept on. I started the ignition, wait for sometime the car to heat up and arrived at work 10 minutes after. I walked to the building and it was breezy. I walked steadfastly and l logged in. 8 hours past, I left the building and my hair was messy with the air brushes my head. It was a pretty good blow where walking towards my car I was moved by the weight of the wind.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Another visit to Santa Cruz
Yesterday, I went with hubby. I told him I want to have another photo of the light house. When we parked in front, we see the Hola hoop girls doing their hola's. There were couple of girls that were really good to look at and some were just too painful to see. It wasn't expected that the weather could be breezy. When I took my photos, hubby was forcing me to come and go inside the car. He couldn't stop being cold. It was foggy too. I thought it could be warm clear sky day. Despite the weather, we just stayed inside loving the scenery.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Summer is in the air
I had felt the warmth of the weather. Yesterday, I got a terrible headache. I always had it when the weather changes. Not only that it was the weather, it was also the heat of the moment at work where I need to indulge myself to do more than what I can barely manage. I loved the situation when it’s tough and it’s a challenge. Only that it gave me so much headache after for I want to accomplish more than what is expected of me.
My day was shorter at work for time moves fast without knowing it. In the evening, with a warm weather it made me sick. Hubby tried to gave me a message in the head and it was a little relief. The impulse of my aches was so unbearable that I just lay in the couch closed eyes. After dinner, took some pills for pain reliever and not knowing that I had fallen asleep in the couch. I heard a whisper telling to wake up and moved to the other room to sleep.
Monday, May 12, 2008
China's Quake
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Tornado Season
Here in California, we don't have tornadoes but we are in the center of the earthquake zone. Anytime or in God's time, destruction can happen. Scary indeed yes. I am not prepared to face that in the future and I know I must need to prepare myself in case it will happen. So going back to what happened to Missouri, Georgia and Oklahoma, there is no better warning with this weather change. Tornado can happen quick and when it hit its fast. So people has no better luck of saving what they have if they aren't aware when this thing could happen. I am glad I am not in the tornado alley state but I am not further still be in a safe zone with the rattle of the quake happen.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Mesmerizing Beach

I don’t admire easily going to the beach and swim. This one enthralled me. The water was calm. It was after sunset the water is warmer but refreshing. It was a good choice to spend our first wedding anniversary in there. A little pricy on the resort but money is worth its value. I was so thankful that my husband took time to find the best place for us to enjoy our day. I was lucky enough to be there and had a great time of my life.
Monday, May 5, 2008
It is not too late for us to be aware of this. We should be conscious on the things we do that can harm the environment. We’ve heard a lot of global warming but are we really taking this matter seriously. I just hope we can go for “Green environment”. I would still want to see some green in the future even though I know our world is going to be modernized.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Changing weather
Friday, May 2, 2008
Cloudy day
This time I am just looking outside from my cube. I can tell that just by looking at it's a bit windy. Branches of the trees were swinging by and it is feels like colder. I will see what it's gonna be later when I get off. I am just quite bored at the job right now. It is slow today. Another more hour until I can know for sure.