Sunday, March 27, 2011
Goin 2 Travel
Rainy Summer In Cebu
I will see what will the day be this coming days ahead. I am praying for a good weather not hot and not raining.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Home Where I belong
Friday, March 18, 2011
Pouring Rain
Few hours ago, my co-worker had told me about the Tornado warning that was broadcast in the radio and just before I wrote this post I read about it to confirm. That's really amazing to have that warning alert from here. I wish this weather will just turn out to be an ordinary weak wind of a storm. I will be crossing my fingers.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
A Sick Brother
My brother is a stroke victim. It devastated our family since there’s no way for us telling at his young age he could experience such a struggle. He did survive with the stroke but the effect has caused him half of his body paralyzed, not able to talk, eat through a tube and only small movements of the hands. We somehow appreciate that at least his able to communicate through us by writing through a pad and using a pen. It’s heartbreaking of what has happened to him.
The first time I saw him was he was in the hospital. My other brother Lawrence used his netbook. He got the permission from the doctor and I was able to see my sick brother through a webcam. I saw people wore medical scrubs and uniform, and nurses with their nursing scrub tops. I appreciate the medical team from that local hospital who took good care of my brother. His already home now and I saw him once again through a netbook. The difference of my conversation with him was he can scribble thoughts through a pad but still it’s so heartbreaking to see him struggle to move with all his might. I also did observe that my family was not wearing scrub medical uniforms in the room. I will check to blue sky scrub for their selections and will buy some for my family. It’s good if they could wear one to help from germs spreading it to my brother.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Muir Beach
One day in 2009, hubby and I went to Muir Beach. Actually we've not drove this far out of San Francisco. It so happen that day we were too adventurous to see other places. And here we ended up seeing a very nice view. It's so lovely up there and I went there with a perfect weather.

Friday, March 11, 2011
Massive Earthquake in Japan
Since I am in the bay area, surging of water is currently happening now. I hope the damage could not be so drastic to the residents and the businesses around the coastal regions. I am crossing my fingers.
Here is the news:
TOKYO – A ferocious tsunami unleashed by Japan's biggest recorded earthquake slammed into its eastern coast Friday, killing hundreds of people as it carried away ships, cars and homes, and triggered widespread fires that burned out of control.
Hours later, the tsunami hit Hawaii but did not cause major damage. Warnings blanketed the Pacific, putting areas on alert as far away as South America, Canada, Alaska and the entire U.S. West coast. In northeastern Japan, the area around a nuclear power plant was evacuated after the reactor's cooling system failed.
Police said 200 to 300 bodies were found in the northeastern coastal city of Sendai, the city in Miyagi prefecture, or state, closest to the epicenter. Another 137 were confirmed killed, with 531 people missing. Police also said 627 people were injured.
The magnitude-8.9 offshore quake unleashed a 23-foot (seven-meter) tsunami and was followed for hours by more than 50 aftershocks, many of them of more than magnitude 6.0.
Dozens of cities and villages along a 1,300-mile (2,100-kilometer) stretch of coastline were shaken by violent tremors that reached as far away as Tokyo, hundreds of miles (kilometers) from the epicenter. A large section of Kesennuma, a town of 70,000 people in Miyagi, burned furiously into the night with no apparent hope of being extinguished, public broadcaster NHK said.
Koto Fujikawa, 28, was riding a monorail when the quake hit and had to later pick her way along narrow, elevated tracks to the nearest station.
"I thought I was going to die," Fujikawa, who works for a marketing company, said. "It felt like the whole structure was collapsing."
Scientists said the quake ranked as the fifth-largest earthquake in the world since 1900 and was nearly 8,000 times stronger than one that devastated Christchurch, New Zealand, last month.
"The energy radiated by this quake is nearly equal to one month's worth of energy consumption" in the United States, U.S. Geological Survey Scientist Brian Atwater told The Associated Press.
As night fell and temperatures hovered just above freezing, tens of thousands of people remained stranded in Tokyo, where the rail network was still down. The streets were jammed with cars, buses and trucks trying to get out of the city.
The city has set up 33 shelters in city hall, on university campuses and in government offices, but many planned to spend the night at 24-hour cafes and hotels.
Tomoko Suzuki and her elderly mother stood on a crowded downtown corner, unable to get to their 29th-floor condominium because the elevator wasn't working. They couldn't find a taxi to go to a relative's house and nearby hotels were booked.
"We are so cold," said Suzuki. "We really don't know what to do."
The government ordered thousands of residents near a nuclear power plant in the city of Onahama to move back at least two miles (three kilometers) from the plant. The reactor was not leaking radiation but its core remained hot even after a shutdown. The plant is 170 miles (270 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo.
The Defense Ministry said it had dispatched dozens of troops trained to deal with chemical disaster to the plant in case of radiation leak.
Trouble was reported at two other nuclear plants as well, but there was no radiation leak at either of them.
Japan's coast guard said it was searching for 80 dock workers on a ship that was swept away from a shipyard in Miyagi.
Even for a country used to earthquakes, this one was of horrific proportions because of the tsunami that crashed ashore, swallowing everything in its path as it surged several miles (kilometers) inland before retreating. The apocalyptic images on Japanese TV of powerful, debris-filled waves, uncontrolled fires and a ship caught in a massive whirlpool resembled scenes from a Hollywood disaster movie.
Large fishing boats and other vessels rode high waves ashore, slamming against overpasses or scraping under them and snapping power lines along the way. Upturned and partially submerged cars bobbed in the water. Ships anchored in ports crashed against each other.
The tsunami roared over embankments, washing anything in its path inland before reversing directions and carrying the cars, homes and other debris out to sea. Flames shot from some of the homes, probably because of burst gas pipes.
Waves of muddy waters flowed over farmland near Sendai, carrying buildings, some of them ablaze. Drivers attempted to flee. Sendai airport was inundated with thick, muddy debris that included cars, trucks, buses and even light planes.
Highways to the worst-hit coastal areas buckled. Telephone lines snapped. Train service in northeastern Japan and in Tokyo, which normally serve 10 million people a day, were suspended, leaving untold numbers stranded in stations or roaming the streets. Tokyo's Narita airport was closed indefinitely.
President Barack Obama said the U.S. "stands ready to help" Japan.
Jesse Johnson, a native of the U.S. state of Nevada who lives in Chiba, north of Tokyo, was eating at a sushi restaurant with his wife when the quake hit.
"At first it didn't feel unusual, but then it went on and on. So I got myself and my wife under the table," he told The Associated Press. "I've lived in Japan for 10 years, and I've never felt anything like this before. The aftershocks keep coming. It's gotten to the point where I don't know whether it's me shaking or an earthquake."
NHK said more than 4 million buildings were without power in Tokyo and its suburbs.
A large fire erupted at the Cosmo oil refinery in the city of Ichihara and burned out of control with 100-foot (30-meter) flames whipping into the sky.
"Our initial assessment indicates that there has already been enormous damage," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said. "We will make maximum relief effort based on that assessment."
He said the Defense Ministry was sending troops to the hardest-hit region. A utility aircraft and several helicopters were on the way.
Also in Miyagi prefecture, a fire broke out in a turbine building of a nuclear power plant, but it was later extinguished, said Tohoku Electric Power Co.
A reactor area of a nearby plant was leaking water, the company said. But it was unclear if the leak was caused by the tsunami or something else. There were no reports of radioactive leaks at any of Japan's nuclear plants.
Jefferies International Ltd., a global investment banking group, estimated overall losses of about $10 billion.
Hiroshi Sato, a disaster management official in northern Iwate prefecture, said officials were having trouble getting an overall picture of the destruction.
"We don't even know the extent of damage. Roads were badly damaged and cut off as tsunami washed away debris, cars and many other things," he said.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the 2:46 p.m. quake was magnitude 8.9, the biggest to hit Japan since record-keeping began in the late 1800s and one of the biggest ever recorded in the world.
The quake struck at a depth of six miles (10 kilometers), about 80 miles (125 kilometers) off the eastern coast, the agency said. The area is 240 miles (380 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo. Several quakes hit the same region in recent days, including one measured at magnitude 7.3 on Wednesday that caused no damage.
A tsunami warning was extended to a number of areas in the Pacific, Southeast Asia and Latin America, including Japan, Russia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Chile. In the Philippines, authorities ordered an evacuation of coastal communities, but no unusual waves were reported.
Thousands fled homes in Indonesia after officials warned of a tsunami up to 6 feet (2 meters) high, but waves of only 4 inches (10 centimeters) were measured. No big waves came to the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. territory, either.
The first waves hit Hawaii about 9 a.m. EST (1400 GMT). A tsunami about 7 feet (2.1 meters) high was recorded on Maui and a wave at least 3 feet (a meter) high was recorded on Oahu and Kauai. Officials warned that the waves would continue and could get larger.
Japan's worst previous quake was a magnitude 8.3 temblor in 1923 in Kanto that killed 143,000 people, according to USGS. A 7.2-magnitude quake in Kobe in 1995 killed 6,400 people.
Japan lies on the "Ring of Fire" — an arc of earthquake and volcanic zones stretching around the Pacific where about 90 percent of the world's quakes occur, including the one that triggered the Dec. 26, 2004, Indian Ocean tsunami that killed an estimated 230,000 people in 12 nations. A magnitude-8.8 temblor that shook central Chile in February 2010 also generated a tsunami and killed 524 people.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Cloudy Day
A storage solution for all our toys
Guest post written by Bill Sallow
Living in a house with three kids means that I have to watch every step in our home that I take or else I'm get a LEGO or some other kind of small and sharp toy lodged into my foot. You would think that you would even build up a tolerance to stepping on toys, but those things really hurt!
Last weekend I stepped on a matchbox car and caught myself before I slipped and fell down and I decided that I had enough and wanted to do something about it. I went online to find some kind of solution or idea about how to make a toy chest for our kids. When I was online doing that, I came across the website and after I looked through it a little bit, I decided to switch over our home internet service to the provider.
I did find some simple directions on how to make a toy chest and am making it a proect for myself this weekend. I'm going to lock myself in our garage until it's done and we can teach the kids to put all their toys in it. I'm just a little worried though that we'll need more than one of them for all of their toys.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
It's getting warmer
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Ticket Purchases
To make a good purchase is to know the reliability of a company. You want to make business with a company that delivers good service. You can’t rely on good marketing alibi but you want the one that gives the customers confidence. Ticket America is what I am talking about. They won’t fail your expectations and guaranteed good customer service. You will be satisfied of what you will get from them.
I am very particular of making purchases online and I don’t want to be scam. It did happen to me before and it’s just not a very good scenario. I lost my money and I never get it back and I had the hassle of replacing my card. This is not what you want to experience and you would only go for companies that protect your transactions online. Ticket America offers that kind of protections. You don’t have to worry about your transactions because it will get through and they will serve your purchases. There are many ticketing outlets they are working with such as Ford Center and At&T center. For the sports fan, they can purchase from Yankee Stadium, Turner Field and At&T Park. There are so many choices to choose from. It could depend where the area you are in and what kind of interest you get fascinated with. Just remember, this company is really good and it won’t fail you.