
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Woud you Feel the Same?

I have been working like a dog today and had a relief when the phone shut off. My boss and my co-worker came early today with some breakfast treat. I was hoping I could get much help but the result was it gave me much headache of the two. I was thankful they fed me but to pass all the work and I could be stressed on their mistake, it's a hassle. It made me irritate too when they would just talk not minding about me struggling to keep up the busy lines, joggling the phone with pick up schedules. Honestly I got frustrated with how they behaved at work.

It's not only one time this is happening but everytime they talked, it just like they wont stop. They would careless on other people working so hard just to keep up with the work load. It's very irritating but I just keep it to myself. His the boss and my co-worker is like a bestpal to him. No way I could voice out my opinion on how mistreated I was. Their personality is cool, I can be happy with that. With work ethic, I don't very much like them. Well, for now it's just for me to hold on until I can get started to work on my own.

1 comment:

Euroangel said...

thanks for passing by!!.appreciate it!!

If you don't mind to xlinks our blogs..
let me know when your done adding so I can add you asap!!

PLS. UNDER the name RedRuby1 and so on...plus Blog title much better..


Thanks in advance!!!

I also would like to suggest regarding linkmeup..yup it is very convenient but it is not countd in technorati...suggest you add blog links manually!!! happy blogging!!