
Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Guest written by our friend Gladys Fuentes

My cousin and her husband became missionaries several years ago. They have mostly been missionaries within the United States, but last year they moved to Zimbabwe. I cannot even believe that they live in Africa now. It is so weird that they are so far away. They are only supposed to be there for about two years. About three months after they moved there, my cousin found out that she was pregnant. I was really excited for her, but it was sort of bittersweet because I would not be able be around when the baby arrived. Luckily, I have exede satellite internet service and can keep up with her through Facebook. She posted pictures throughout her pregnancy, and now that the baby is here she posts new pictures every day. I would really like to be able to hold that sweet baby. Since, I can’t however, I am glad to at least have the pictures to look at. I do not know what we would do without the internet. I think they are really happy right now, but I can’t wait for them to come home.

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