
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Spring is almost here

It still feels cold and chilly outside especially in the morning but I believe the weather will going to change soon. It will be nice to have that long period of sunshine and short evening. Regardless of the weather, lucky for the resident of the bay area the winter/fall season was great.

I don't know what could my plans for spring. Since I am a little tight now with schedules for school, work and home. It's a good thing though it could occupy my time. I just need a little time to improve some personal skills and hopefully one day I could attain and achieve my desire goal.


Dee said...

I see your excited about spring. I love spring too. It's that time of the year when you don't have to scrape snow off your car, or drive carefully over the ice so you don't crash into a pole and you don't have to rush to the store for milk, bread and toilet paper when the weather man announces that there will be more snow. Yeah, maybe I'll start counting down the days to spring, too...LoL.

Roche said...

i am glad i dont live with a snow state. though lake tahoe is part of where I live and a distance of 4 hours. snow doesnt reach me and I am glad about it. only storm and rain can make things worst here but for the most part the weather here in CA is very good.