
Monday, June 16, 2008

Chilly day

I went to work today feeling a little bit chilly. It was kind of weird to have this chilly day when it had been days of being in the warm zone. Anyway, it's good to have this kind of weather than feeling the heatwave. I had frequent headaches when it had happened and glad now that it wasn't so bad. Nothing much to tell at work, I am still doing all the majority calls. My boss was helping me in some way. Kristal is off today so it's just me and Liz. My boss didn't know and of course he messed up again his calendar that he forgets about Kristal's off today. I wonder where he set his priorities. But I am glad, nothing bad happen to me and him. I just don't mind him so much now. I will just be counting the days I could be there working.

1 comment:

Dean and Lee Schroeder said...

mao jud dai Roche, mao jud ang weather oi unpredictable kaayo